Benefits of Turning your Shed into a Gym

You probably never considered a shed to be a good place to workout. But they’re the perfect place to house your workout equipment with plenty of space to spare.
Perhaps you made a New Year’s resolution to get in shape. How’s that going for ya?
Making it to the gym can turn into a drudge. Gotta pack up your clothes, bring all your toiletries if you’re planning on taking a shower afterward. Let’s face it, working out at home can be a lot easier. But where to put the equipment?
I’ve got a great solution for you, turn your shed into a gym!
Turning your shed into a gym can be easier than you think.
It will require a little bit of cash outflow up front, but unlike a gym, it won’t require monthly payments for very long and it’s always right there in your backyard when you need it.

No space in your home? No problem. Just convert your shed into a gym. Now you really have no excuses to be ready for beach season.
It’s great for both sides of the gender coin, as well. A shed can be your personal weight room. Or you can turn it into a yoga studio. There’s room for both if two partners want to use it for various purposes.
No need to even run electricity unless you want heat or AC. Use a laptop to pull up various exercise classes and get to sweating!
Having your own personal gym in your backyard is convenient, inspiring and cost-effective.
The Convenience Factor
Turning your shed into a gym can make your workout way more convenient. It’s easy to think that you might workout in your living room, but let’s face it, that isn’t always convenient. Going to the gym across town takes more time and gives you less incentive to work out when you are short on time.
But having a shed-gym in your backyard cuts all those negative factors in half. It’s always ready and waiting for you. You can work out when you are short on time. It’s super convenient!

A shed can be a relaxing place to mediate… All it needs is a little customization.
Let’s face it, more often that not, the average person needs a little inspiration to go do the heavy lifting of a work out. I know I do. Even work out buffs often need a little pick me up.
Heading into your living room or a cold gym with blaring TVs often makes me less likely to to want to work out. But having your own personal gym with your personal inspirations makes you WANT to work out. Hang posters that inspire you; enjoy your favorite music or television shows/movies on whatever device you like, and really ENJOY your workout.
You don’t have to buy a ton of expensive workout equipment. Get started by putting in a few weight sets and/or a yoga mat. Once a month buy a new, small piece and add to your collection slowly. In the long run, it will probably cost you less than a gym membership if you put the numbers together.
In fact, let’s do just that.
The average gym membership cost is $55 per month, according to Statistic Brain. In one year that adds up to $660.
Depending on what kind of weights you want, you can spend anywhere from about $20 to $300 for what an average person might use. Check out these weight sets on Amazon.
You can also spend around $20- $150 for a good video set of workouts. Here are a handful of DVDs on Amazon. They are very varied in price.
Throw in a yoga mat or two and a weight bench, maybe a floor mat and some belts, and you’ve likely spent less than the cost of a full year at the gym.
Add in the convenience factor and it’s a win win!
Working Out at in your Backyard Just Got Easier
Let’s face it, working out in your own personal gym makes sense on many levels. It’s more convenient; more cost effective; and more inspiring. Why not get busy making your own personal gym shed today. We can help with that!
Feeling inspired? Feel free to give us a call and we can help you find the right shed for your workout space.
More examples of sheds turned into a gym.

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Best Sheds for a Gym
We carry various types and sizes of sheds to make your gym dreams a reality. Just choose which style is right for you!
- Our 12×10 Ranch Shed has large double door openings making it easy to get equipment in and out. It also comes with two windows for ventilation and a breeze in the summer.
12×10 Ranch Shed has two windows and huge double doors.
- Our 10×12 Gamble Shed is one of our most popular styles since it’s so versatile. You can dress it up with accessories or leave it as is. This shed can be a gym or a yoga studio, depending on how you like to work out.
- Our 10×8 Gable Shed is a smaller solution if you don’t have much equipment or don’t need much space. If you like the Gable style, we also carry bigger sizes to fit your needs.